
Donuts To Go

Portable carrying case donut

Among the many bags of luggage, gently protects donuts.

Simple structure, can be locked securely.
Go-to-donuts polypropylene material, soft, delicate Ishi Yasu shapeless donuts.

Size: 155 (L) x 115 (W) x 41 (T) mm
Weight: 85g
Material: PP (polypropylene)
Heat: ℃ 120
Made in Japan (Tsubame, Niigata Prefecture)


Tweezerman Graffiti Slant® Tweezer

Graffiti Slant Tweezer, Special Edition, stainless steel

From the NY streets to the Paris runways, graffiti is this year's hot new trend. This uniquely American art-form has not only endured, but transcended to become universally influential and iconic in art, fashion, music and communal pop culture. This spring, Tweezerman brings Urban chic to your beauty routine with the Special Edition Graffiti Slant® Tweezer.

Lykke Li

Dirty & contagious :D and such a great voice!

Magnificent graphical viral backdrop version:


MAC Disney Collection

MAC Cosmetics with the baddest Disney Villains of all time: The Evil Queen from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Maleficient from “Sleeping Beauty”, Dr. Facilier from “The Princess and the Frog”, Cruella de Ville from “101 Dalmations”:


SQ Intro

SQ Spiritual Intelligence the Ultimate Intelligence
Copyright © 2000 by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall

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Duhovna inteligencija - suštinska inteligencija

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Ne zanima me kako zarađuješ za život.
Želim znati za čime čezneš i usuđuješ li se sanjati o ispunjenju želje svoga srca.

Ne zanima me koliko ti je godina.
Želim znati jesi li spreman napraviti budalu od sebe zbog ljubavi, zbog snova, zbog pustolovine koja se zove Život.

Ne zanima me koji planeti su u opreci s tvojim Mjesecom.
Želim znati jesi li dotaknuo središte svoje tuge, jesu li te životne izdaje otvorile ili si se skvrčio, zatvorio zbog straha od nove boli! Želim znati možeš li sjediti s boli, mojom ili svojom vlastitom, ne pomaknuvši se da je zastreš ili umanjiš ili izliječiš.
Želim znati možeš li boraviti uz radost, moju ili svoju vlastitu; možeš li se predati divljem plesu i dopustiti da te zanos prožme sve do vršaka prstiju, ne opominjući nas da budemo oprezni, da budemo realni, da ne zaboravimo svoja ljudska ograničenja.

Ne zanima me je li priča koju mi pričaš istinita.
Želim znati jesi li u stanju razočarati drugoga kako bi ostao vjeran sebi; možeš li podnijeti optužbe o izdaji i ne izdati vlastitu dušu. Želim znati možeš li biti vjeran i stoga dostojan povjerenja.
Želim znati možeš li vidjeti Ljepotu čak i ako je nema svakoga dana, i možeš li napajati svoj život Božjom prisutnošću.
Želim znati umiješ li živjeti s porazom, svojim i mojim, pa ipak stati na obalu jezera i doviknuti srebrnom Mjesecu: »Da!«

Ne zanima me gdje živiš i koliko novaca imaš.
Želim znati možeš li nakon noći provedene u boli i očajanju ustati, iz mučen, s umorom u kostima, i obaviti sve ono što je potrebno za djecu.

Ne zanima me tko si, ni kako si došao ovamo.
Želim znati hoćeš li stati sa mnom u središte vatre i ne ustuknuti.

Ne zanima me gdje, ni što, ni s kim si učio.
Želim znati što te podupire iznutra, kad svega ostalog nestane.
Želim znati možeš li biti sam sa sobom i voliš li uistinu svoje društvo u pustim trenucima.

Poziv, nadahnuto Sanjačem s planine Oriah,
indijanski poglavica, svibnja 1994.


London - A letters story by Hat-Trick Design

"We decided to design a typeface of illuminated letters, with each letter telling a different story for passers by to discover," says Hat-Trick's Tim Donaldson of the project for Land Securities.

"We wanted to end up with a visually rich and eclectic set of letters to sum up the area," he continues, "the mix of past, present and future, heritage (royalty, architecture, famous residents), culture, art, green space, wildlife and so on. The style of each individual letter was inspired by the particular story it was telling. We decided the execution could be photographic, illustrative or graphic, depending on what best communicated it, and in a visually engaging way. Each letter became a project in itself."

The use of purple and silver refers to Land Securities' colour palette.

"For example 'B' for Busby bearskin hats, ‘P' for Pelicans – informed by the famous story of a pelican eating a pigeon whole in St James' Park (illustrated by Becky Sutherland) – and ‘W' for Westminster, etc. We then used the typeface to spell out words and sentences so it could be read from further back.

Some more examples of the thinking behind the letter choices: the 'D' for deckchairs in St James' Park was informed by the stripes on the fabric; the 'F' for the local farmer's market (famous for it's fish) uses a 'fishy' F combined with a close-up of scales texture; the 'O' refers to the Olympics as Victoria will be hosting the beach volleyball events.

via creativereview


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